Thursday, October 27, 2011

God bless them

Hey, have you heard of flooding in Thailand? Yea, I think everyone knows it from newspapers, televisions or from someone else. It is a very serious flood. It is a serious disaster that we cannot even predict. :(

Let's watch a video shows how they survive in flooding ;

It is one of the most serious places- Ayutthaya, Thailand.

Ayutthaya is one of the places that I know, I went there for few months ago. There is a nice place. :)

After few months, flood took place here. Oh no! I just can't accept this unexpected flood happen. I think many people can't accept it too. :( * feel sad* 

Let's see some pics that I posted below;

Before ; This pic was taken by me when I been there
After; Same place

The victims

She's homeless :(

After seeing this, I'm feeling sad. I don't know how to describe my feeling now!! T.T 
My family, my relatives are worrying about my dad over there, especially my mum. I hope my dad is safe. We can't even do anything for them, but what we can do is just blessing for them. Let's bless together! *swiu swiu flood fast go away*

God bless them!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Is just a post

Hey peoples! :)

I feel so bad. :( You know why?  Oops, I'm having eyes inflammation now. :( Especially my right eye! It's happen for few days already, but still cant even fully recover yet. Sigh* So, I have to wear spec for few days or even few weeks until it gets recover. ( Faster recover please! )

Yea, spec is with me right now!

Busy with those assignments, homework, etc...
*shake head shake head* 
A cup of hot chocolate drink is a must for me.


** Sometimes you pretend to be strong, in fact, you just want to cover up the weak side out. But only the one who is the most understanding you, will just know your real feeling.

Why do these things have been repeated to happen in me? Sighh* I hate it. :(  *crying in heart*



Saturday, October 8, 2011

A simple post

It's October! ;)

Camwhore :)  with much long hair

It is what I did when I was too bored. This was taken by few weeks ago. I had a hair cut last Saturday. I miss my long hair, ahh seriously! I don't really like my new hairstyle now. :( Grow faster laa my hair, pleaseeee! I want it back! :(

I was busy for last two weeks, because rushed for those assignments and tests. Finally can rest for few days now, but only few days. :( Next week onwards assignments are coming towards to me again, and of course tests! Oh no oh noooo! *shake head*  Jiayous baa Christy! :))

Good lucks and all the best for my A levels friends. Good lucks in AS examination yea. ;) Jiayous! (:

We should appreciate the peoples around us. Don't wait until they lost just feel regret! ;) It's too late! So, we should appreciate now!

I'm missing someone right now! Yeahh it's you! Who's that person? Hmm, guess urself. :P  Maybe it's YOU!
